Mittler & C. Patent and trademark office in Milan

Your trusted industrial property consultants

intellectual property consultants
Over 50 years of experience
About us

Mittler & C. srl, intellectual property consultants

MITTLER & C. S.r.l. was founded in October 1996 following the split of a previous company operating in the field of intellectual property since 1985. The company has its headquarters in Milan.


Our Services

Our patent and trademark office based in Milan is able to offer customers the assistance and professional preparation necessary to follow the various sectors of intellectual property, from patents for industrial inventions to designs, from trademarks to domain names, from copyright to software, from the topography of semiconductors to plant varieties.

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Brevetti invenzione


Protect your functional idea by registering a patent or a utility model.

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Brevetti invenzione


If the innovative idea is of an aesthetic nature, the Design tool can be used.

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Brevetti invenzione


Register name and features of your invention as trademark.

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Brevetti invenzione

Legal protection

Defend a patent or trademark from copying, reproduction or improper use.

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Brevetti invenzione

Domain names

Prevent the misappropriation of your domain name thanks to monitoring.

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We are not an agency. We are not just a patent and trademark firm in Milan that provides services. We are much more.

We are professionally qualified people who work for people who demand not only professionality but also attention, speed, dialogue, discussion; for urgent situations as well as long-term projects.
There are no filters. Mittler & C. is your personal consultant, who you trust and who you speak to even for simple advice.
We are at your side, always professionally updated, solid in the present and ready to take you in the future. With your innovations, always with the right solution, the result of experience but also of sensitivity suited to our increasingly rapidly evolving times.
We are here. You?

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We claim the future

We actively participate in innovation as consultants alongside our customers.
It's not enough for us.
We transformed our historic studio by eliminating paper, encouraging smart working for employees, purchasing functional furnishings and reducing the energy consumption of our headquarters.

We work with professionality, keeping in mind that only sustainable ways of working have a future. In a better planet. Our planet.

We claim the future

Do you need advice?

Call us or write to us. A qualified consultant will answer you immediately.